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Home > 2020 > March

The Bakers Dozen

Did you adopt any of the Bakers Dozen kittens in 2015 who were rescued from one house. Some of the names were Cookie, Doughnut, Florentine, Eccles, Muffin, Crumpet, Macaroon. It would be lovely to see them now. Please email...

Happy Ending

Thank you so much to Izzy and her family for adopting Aqua/Suki, Flower/ Bagheera and Petunia/ Meera. They are doing so well as you can see. We are absolutely thrilled that they have been given the chance of a...

Happy Ending

Adorable Hampa now Lupin is loving her new home. “Lupin has made my home her own in record time, and already has me well trained to do her bidding. She is the most delightful cat ever!”😻

Happy Ending

“Sibilla (Aloe Vera), is our ray of light in these challenging times and has well and truely settled in. She is very fond of my yoga mat, especially when i am trying to practice and is also responding well...

Happy Ending

Adorable Hampa now Lupin is settling in to her new home. “When we got home I figured she’d spend the next few days under the bed. Nope! She explored every corner of the room and immediately took ownership. Then...