Happy Ending Frosty
Adorable Frosty now Loki is loving his new home. “He has settled in amazingly – unbelievable how affectionate he is!! Eating well, sleeping well, using his litter tray! Has attacked the Xmas tree a number of times!!!He is so...
Adorable Frosty now Loki is loving his new home. “He has settled in amazingly – unbelievable how affectionate he is!! Eating well, sleeping well, using his litter tray! Has attacked the Xmas tree a number of times!!!He is so...
Evie now Sabine and Millie are settling in really well to their new home after their owner sadly died. “Millie is more confident and is enjoying spending time with us – she runs up to us when we enter...
Happy Ending 6 months on. Angelique now Molly and Simona now Socks are loving their new home. They are mum and sister to Elena, Lorenzo, Feliciano and Jelena who have been recently posted. What a beautiful family. “They are...
Adorable Stolina now Tammy is loving her new home. “Tammy has been with us for two weeks now and is settling very well. She has adapted to our home very quickly and is very confident. She is the perfect...
Jelena and Feliciano now Max and Mickey six months on. “Such handsome boys with huge personalities! Thanks so much.” Such gorgeous photos. So good to see our moggies happily settled in their new homes. 😻😻
Spud now Jasper is loving his new home. He is such a handsome boy who is very loving. Bless him. 😻
Autumn now Porto is settling in to her new home. “She is an absolute angel and settling in so quick. We adore her, she has completed our family and can’t wait to spend many happy years together!” Such good...
“Maddie is settling in so well and is a complete joy “We are so pleased for her and her new family. 😻
“Madison the kitten settled in straight away is getting along extremely well. She’s playful, inquisitive, independent, and has the most enormous appetite that I’ve ever seen in a little cat. We’re all very pleased to have her as part...
Adorable Jasper is now 18 years old and was adopted from The Moggery 4.5 years ago. He is doing really well. We are so thankful to the special people who are willing to give the older cats in our...