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Dylan has gone missing since last night from Corn Rows Thornbury. He is micro chipped and neutered. Please check your sheds, garages, greenhouses, empty houses and houses having work done. Please ring 07900149112 if you have any information. Thanks

laffy is Missing

GREAT NEWS LAFFY IS HOME. Laffy has gone missing from Wraxall Grove Bedminster Down area please check all sheds,,greenhouses, houses having work done and empty houses. Please ring the number about if you have any information. Thanks.

Peanut is missing

GREAT NEWS PEANUT IS HOME. Peanut has gone missing from Fernbank Road Redland. “She’s 11 months old and quite timid.She is wearing a pink collar and tag. She is also microchipped Please check all sheds, greenhouses, garages, houses having...