Adorable Fox went missing in March. Somehow he had managed to go from Stoke Gifford to Patchway, we think he probably got in a van. He was living rough and was eventually being fed by a lovely lady who phoned The Moggery and asked us to trap him and take him to the vet. Fortunately he had a chip so he has been returned to his very thankful owner. June is microchip month. We would ask all owners to get their cats chipped it is a very quick inexpensive procedure but priceless in that the cat can be reunited with their owner. Fox is very happy to be home, he’s a little scruffy looking and smelt a bit. He soon found his way to his favourite place to sleep, a pile of shoes! We are so pleased he has been reunited with his adoring owner. A happy ending indeed. 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻