Took three of our feral youngsters to a stables near Wapley today. Despite using sat nav and an iPad we became hopelessly lost. We called Jackie at the stables and she came to find us. She led us to a wonderful barn housing two horses on Mousewell Farm. It’s a solid half-hour’s jog away from any main roads, so the situation will be just perfect for our three lucky cats! Kumquat, Cherry, and Guava were settled in and left copious food for the night. They will be kept in fold-up pens for three weeks until they have their bearings, after which they will be free to explore the surrounding fields.
Had a very welcome call from Jackie today. Our three youngsters are eating well and allowing their new owners to stroke them! These ferals weren’y very friendly with us here at HQ, but the fresh air at Wapley must be doing something good for their character!