Registered charity 1070330 | Phone: 0117 924 3128
Home > Happy Endings > Lovely Dugwyn is Looking For Her Forever Home

She is 5 months old and came to The Moggery because he previous owner had her in a flat that wasn’t allowed pets. The landlord found out and said she had to ‘go’. Please don’t be tempted to do this. She is the most gorgeous, loving little moggy who loves to be picked up and cuddled, even though she has only just been spayed. She is wearing the new little coat to protect her stitches instead of the cone. If you could give Dugwyn a new loving home please check that you meet our adoption criteria which is:
Own your own home with access to a garden which is away from a main road and bus route.
Have or be prepared to fit a cat flap which goes into the house.
Be prepared to pay vet bills for 18+ years.
If you meet the criteria please ring Christine on 0117 9243128. Thanks