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Happy Ending

“Here are some pictures of Betty, who is settling in so well with us. She’s a proper little explorer, finding all sorts of little spots to climb into, sit in, climb out of. She’s such a playful cat who...

Foster Family.

Vera Lynn’s little family are now 3 and a half weeks old. They are really growing and beginning to move around much more. Mum and her four babies have all been reserved but if you want to put your...

Happy Ending

Gorgeous little Daisy is loving her new home. “Just to say Daisy is settling in really well and is an absolute joy, even my husband is besotted with her! Thank you for your support and guidance in the run...


Many thanks to everyone who is recycling their pet food pouches with us. Please please make sure that you only send food pouches, treat packets and dried food bags. Please also ensure that they are washed out and dry....

Happy Ending

Sweet little kitties Boo and Smudge now have Japanese names. Yuki meaning snow and Shiro meaning shining hero. “Our kittens are settling in very well. They are very playful and sociable and seem to be loving all the attention...


Vera Lynns kittens at two weeks old. They have all got their eyes open and beginning to move around more. Mum is coping well with feeding and cleaning her gorgeous kitties. Mum and the four kittens have all been...